Are Clutter and Chaos Driving You Crazy!?

A cluttered home or office, a chaotic schedule, a never-ending to-do list, paper and bills that keep piling up, an overflowing inbox…. sound familiar?

Then you know how stressful and overwhelming it can be. You’re likely all too familiar with the feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and even failure as well. We understand the struggle and know there’s so much more to you and your life than the mess you currently find yourself in. Together we can create a home and a life that fits.

Envision your home or office being a functional, pleasant place you actually want to spend time in.

Picture a week where you are focused and productive. Where you actually have the time to do the things you want and need to do.

 Imagine having functional systems in place to keep your bills, paperwork, digital files, and other household or business responsibilities in order.

Schedule Your FREE Discovery Call Today!

” Life, like a puzzle, is made up of many different pieces. Seeking Sanity can help you organize all the pieces of your life “

Wendy Brown

“Just like you, I wear many hats. I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, gardener, and volunteer just to name a few. I’m also a Professional Organizing Consultant and Organizer Coach.”

I am passionate about helping others efficiently manage all areas of their lives, from the physical spaces to staying on top of busy schedules. If you’re one of the many people that feel completely overwhelmed, I want you to know that there is hope!


“I was raised by hoarders & as such, became one. Trying to “get organized” seemed more like playing shuffle with my stuff. My upstairs roommate at the time was getting help from Wendy for sorting & at first I decided to just observe. I thought of that while being in my own environment and decided to give this process a try. Making changes is hard. It takes time. There’s a lot to learn. Many discoveries were made of my old layers of stuff, habits. some improved. I now make better choices and can decide what to keep or use or give away because I have parameters that make sense to me. My place is way more functional, and I own something like 3/4 less stuff. (which helped immensely when I needed to move into a smaller area.) I still have a long way to go, lots more sorting to be done. Mostly papers at this point & that’s daunting, but I will get there. Of the most recent help, Wendy turned my kitchen into this amazing place where I could find anything & that has never before been a situation I have had the opportunity to live in and I like it, a lot.”


“Wendy helped my husband and I settle into our first apartment as newlyweds. There was so much more structure and peace of mind with the things that Wendy helped us with. Organizing a home can be really overwhelming and scary, but Wendy made it so simple and easy. I would recommend Wendy to anybody looking to create more order in their lives.”


“My husband and I bought our first house in September. We moved all the boxes in, unpacked, and ran out of space to put everything. By the end of working with Wendy, we actually had extra space to put things in our house! Everything has a place and it feels so good and comfortable.”

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