Wendy Brown
My Belief: Organization is an essential element that touches every aspect of our lives.
My Message: Chaos and stress don’t have to rule your life. There is hope!
My Mission: Help people understand that while struggling with disorganization is frustrating, overwhelming, and stressful, it IS NOT a defect or a short-coming. The reality is there are many reasons people struggle to get and stay organized. Understanding them is the first step toward overcoming them. Learn More
If keeping up with the speed of life has got you feeling a little crazy, you’re in the right place!
I understand the struggle. Just like you, I wear many hats. I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, gardener, and volunteer just to name a few. Each of these roles comes with its own set of challenges, responsibilities, and rewards and I’ll be the first to admit that staying on top of it all can be a real challenge.
I’m also a Professional Organizing Consultant and Organizer Coach. I recognize and celebrates the differences in people and situations and I understand that what works for someone else, might not work for you. My coach training, love for learning, and passion for discovery, enables me to pull from a wide variety of skills, techniques, and resources to help you find solutions that fit.
Being organized doesn’t mean that things aren’t going to get a little crazy sometimes. It does, however, mean that you will have the tools, the knowledge, and the systems to get yourself back on track much faster when it does.
In addition to being a member of the associations listed below, Wendy is a graduate of the Coach Approach for Organizers Foundation Training Program and has completed 60+ hours of Organizer Coach training (ongoing).
- Member, Past President UPO – Utah Professional Organizers
- Member NAPO – National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals
- Member NAPO Golden Circle
- Member ICD – Institute for Challenging Disorganization
- Member AADMM – American Association of Daily Money Managers