How To Derail Your Day In 3 Simple Choices

How To Derail Your Day In 3 Simple Choices

Have you ever had one of those days when you literally become your own worst enemy and don’t even realize it until it’s too late? I had one of those days recently. It all started when I fell for my own lie. Choice #1 – I convinced myself that I should sleep in because...
Is Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary? It can be!

Is Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary? It can be!

Whether you’re aware of it or not, an organized bedroom can improve your ability to get a good nights rest and sets a tone for the start of your day. Here are the steps to transform your bedroom into your sanctuary. The BasicsWe’ll start by clearing the main bedroom...
Top 10 Storage Do’s and Don’ts

Top 10 Storage Do’s and Don’ts

As tempting as it may be sometimes to shove things anywhere they fit, it’s usually a bad idea for a number of reasons. Safety, is the main concern; with functionality and safekeeping following close behind. Worse case scenario, improper storage can increase your risk...