Stuck and Overwhelmed? 3 steps to break the cycle of clutter and chaos

This is my favorite definition of clutter. Clutter is not just about the “stuff” in the spaces where we live and work. Other areas of our lives can, and do become cluttered as well.
Any type of clutter and the chaos that accompanies it are physically, mentally, and emotionally draining.
The clutter cycle shows how clutter in our physical environment can lead to mental and emotional clutter and vice versa. It can be a vicious cycle that causes us to feel trapped and overwhelmed. So how do we break that cycle?

Step #1 is Awareness.

A question I often hear is, “Can you help me?” Which really means, is there any hope for me? Is what I want even possible or am I too far gone? My response to this question is always a resounding YES! This is absolutely doable. We just need to put things in perspective. The situation you find yourself in now was most likely a long while in the making. It probably didn’t just happen overnight. It is the result of events, situations, and decisions that all built upon each other leading you to this point. With that in mind, it would be unrealistic to expect the situation to be remedied overnight. The good news is that you have the power to change your responses and decisions to lead you down a different path.

Step #2 is Focus.

Overwhelm comes as a result of looking at the whole picture and thinking you have to have the whole solution before you even start. Instead, focus on one thing at a time and trust that it will all come together in the end. This leads to another common question, “Where do I start?” The truth is, there really is no “right” place to start for everyone. For some of you, this answer will bring a big sigh of relief and you can jump right in and get to work. For others, this answer will leave you still feeling stuck and overwhelmed so here are a few questions to ask that will help you decide where your best place to start is.

  • Where am I feeling the most pain? What’s one thing that interferes most with my daily life? Relieving this pain will free up energy and increase ambition, allowing you to move forward
  • What will give me the most bang for my buck? What project will give a big payoff with a relatively low time and energy investment? Think of this as your instant gratification project.
  • What do I have the energy to tackle right now? Sometimes we need to build up our organizing muscles and stamina. Tackling easier projects allows us to get relief and see results quickly. It’s that boost we need to keep going.

Which of these questions resonated with you the most? Start there!

Step #3 is Follow Through.

Incomplete actions are what keep us stuck and overwhelmed. We put ourselves in a hamster wheel by investing our time and energy into something and then never reaping the benefits. As a result, we find ourselves trying to do it over and over again. Choose an action and commit to following it through to completion. Any step in the right direction is still progress. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is.

If you’re feeling stuck and overwhelmed, please know that there is hope! With the right support and guidance, you can make the changes you are seeking.