When I tell people I’m a Professional Organizer the question that usually follows is do you work with hoarders? While the television shows have certainly brought that aspect of organizing to people’s attention, there’s a lot more to Professional Organizing than that.
Some people mistakenly think organizers and house cleaners are the same. While a well-organized space is usually clean, a clean space is not necessarily organized. Organization goes deeper and is more involved than just straightening and stacking things so they look tidy. A well-organized space with a good system will actually aid in keeping your home or office clean.
So, what exactly does an organizer do? Some of the things on this list might surprise you!
- We serve as respectful, nonbiased support providers. Many people fear being judged due to their environment or a perceived lack of abilities. We are not here to judge, we’re here to make an honest assessment of your situation. Professional Organizers bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to each new situation. Organizers aren’t trying to get you to throw out all your stuff or become a minimalist. Our only agenda is to help you reach your goals.
- Organizers bring clarity. Everyone has items they aren’t sure what to do with or are keeping simply because they’re there and we think we’re supposed to. A Professional Organizer will help you sort through your stuff and become clear on what you really want and need in your life right now.
- We act as mediators and advocates. Many people have very different definitions of what constitutes a mess. What should be kept and what should be tossed. Sometimes, well-meaning friends or family members only see the symptoms of a problem. They don’t know about or understand the underlying issues creating those symptoms. Professional Organizers help bridge some of those gaps and provide valuable insight and information.
- Organizers serve as body doubles. This technique is especially helpful for people living with ADD, ADHD, chronic disorganization, or any condition that makes concentration and time management challenging. The idea is that a body double acts like an anchor and helps the client stay focused and on task. I have a client who tells me that just feeling my presence in her home motivates her to accomplish tasks she’s been putting off.
- We provide hands-on help with decluttering and downsizing. Some people are physically unable to do the work themselves. Some people are more successful with a little help. Either way, the process goes much smoother and faster with the knowledge and support of a trained professional.
- We create and teach organizing systems to improve daily function and productivity. No two people or households are exactly alike. That’s why the organizing techniques that your sister or best friend swear by, may not work for you. When that happens you mistakenly think the problem lies with you. That you are somehow flawed. However, this is not true! A good Professional Organizer will tailor an organizing system to fit your needs, lifestyle, and personality.
- Organizers can be personal or household assistants. Some clients like us to organize and maintain certain facets of their personal lives and homes.
- We assist you in preparing for a life transition like a new baby or a move.
- We help seniors and their families in transitioning out of the family home. Sometimes the family home is no longer the best place for Mom and Dad. Adult children are busy and as a result, upkeep and personal safety become issues. Professional Organizers can provide support and assist with downsizing and the transition during this delicate time.
- We organize paperwork, including bill paying and finances.
- Organizers can help you go paperless.
- We organize your digital files and devices.
- We can also help you organize virtually by phone or computer.
- We organize photos both printed and digital.
- Organizers set up systems and improve productivity in your business.
- We train employees on organizing and productivity skills.
- We train and support you in learning time management skills.
- Organizers have resources. We can give you information for all kinds of things including other professionals, products and supplies, donations, and junk removal just to name a few.
Wow, what a list! I’m sure I’ve left some services out, but you get the idea. Professional Organizers provide a wide range of services to improve your quality of life.
Just like a doctor doesn’t practice in all of the medical fields, all Professional Organizers won’t necessarily offer all of these services. Some specialize in residential organizing, some in business and some in organizing with specific populations like seniors or students. No matter what your circumstances rest assured there is an organizer that can help you move from where you are to where you want to be.